• Individual Income Tax while alive
• Individual Income Tax upon death
• Corporate Income Tax
• Payroll remittance
• Sales taxes
• Withholding taxes
There are more...
• You must file a return for if
o you receive a request from Canada Revenue Agency to file a return
o you and your spouse elected to split pension income
o you receive working income tax benefit advance payments
o you disposed capital property or you realized a capital gain
o you have to repay your old age security or employment insurance benefits
o you have not repaid all amounts withdrawn from your registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) under Home Buyers’ Plan or Lifelong Learning Plan
o you have to contribute to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP)
o you are paying employment insurance premiums on self-employment and other eligible earnings
• Even if none of these requirements apply, you should file a return if:
o You want to claim a refund or working income tax benefit
o You want the GST/HST credits
o You or your spouse want to begin or continue receiving Canada child benefits payments
o You have incurred a non-capital loss and you want to be able to apply it in other years
o You want to transfer or carry forward to a future year the unused part of your tuition
o You want to carry forward the unused investment tax credit on expenditures you incurred during the current year
o You want to receive the guaranteed income supplement or allowance benefits under the old age security program
• Individual without business income
- Your return has to be filed on or before April 30 in the following year
• Individual with business income
- If you or your spouse or common law partner carried on business, your return has to
be filed on or before June 15 in the following year
- If you have a balance owing from the previous year, you have to pay it on or before
April 30 in the following year
• Deceased individual
- April 30 of the following year if death is occurred during January 1 to October 30
- 6 months after the date of death if death is occurred during November 1 to December
• Corporate T2 Tax Return
- 6 months after the end of taxation year
• HST (Individual): generally, for annual filer, June 15; depending on your sales, your
filing deadline can differ. Please speak to a professional.
• HST (Corporate): generally, for annual filer , 3 month after the end of reporting period;
depending on your sales, your corporation’s filing deadline can differ. Please speak to a
• Individual: April 30
• Corporation (non-CCPC*): 2 months after the taxation year end
• Corporation (CCPC*): 3 months after the end of tax year if the corporation’s previous
year taxable income did not exceed $500,000 and it has claimed the small business
deduction in the current or previous taxation year
• HST: depending on your filing frequency
• Payroll tax: generally, 15th of the following month for monthly remitting. Dependsing
on the size of your payroll, your remitting frequency and deadline can differ. Please
speak to a professional.
*CCPC: Canadian Controlled Private Corporation
- private corporation that incorporated in Canada
- cannot be controlled by non-residents of Canada or public corporations
• Keep your supporting documents for 6 years
• CRA may ask for documents other than official receipts, such as cancelled cheques or
bank statements as proof of any deduction or credit you claimed
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